Most of the time you will see that the local people express well-known words differently in their own language. You may have noticed that many such words are pronounced and used more in Sri Jagannath Puri. Similarly, the favourite Rath Yatra of Mahaprabhu Jagannath is also explained by many meanings and words.
In many famous scriptural works and Madala Panji the world-famous Rath Yatra Festival also known as Gundicha Yatra, Ghosha Yatra, Patitapabana Festival, Dasa Abatara Yatra, Dakhinayana Yatra, Antarbedi Festival, Adapa Yatra and Nabadinatmaka Yatr
Table of Contents
What is Gundicha Yatra?
Gundicha Devi was the queen of Maharaja Indradumna. Also, Maharani Gundicha was the princess of the Gundirban kingdom. After Maharaj Indradumna installed Sri Jagannath in Sri Mandir (Lord Jagannath Temple), Maharani Gundicha Devi organized the procession of Ratha Yatra. Hence the Yatra or festival is also called the Gundicha Yatra.
What is Ghosa Yatra?
“Ghosa” is an auspicious word. A yatra which is held for the welfare of the world is called “Ghosa Yatra”. The people of Odisha believe that the sound of the chariot wheel during the journey removes all the evil in the world. And brings good fortune. Hence the Rath Yatra is also named as Ghosh Yatra.

What is the Patitapabana Festival?
The word “Patitapabana” stands for two different worlds. “Patita” means “Minorities”, those who don’t have the right to go to Sri Mandir. And “Pabana” means “relief”. All around the world, even a minority or a rich all are equal before Him. So every year Mahaprabhu leaves the Ratnasinghasan and goes to Badadanda to give darshan to those who do not get a chance to enter the temple.
Sri Jagannath Temple has criteria of non-Hindu community people can not enter the Temple. For this reason, Lord Jagannath among with Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra come out of the temple to give them the pleasure of Darshan. Hence the other name of this festival is Patitapabana Festival.
What is the Dasa Abatara Yatra?
Mahaprabhu Sri Jagannath is not only the lord of Odisha, but He is also the lord of the Universe. He is the only owner of the 16 Acts of life. Lord Jagannath’s 16 Acts are described in Sri Jagannath: 100% authentic information article. He is Purusottama.
According to Purana and Scripters, Lord Jagannath is borns in various incarnations. After His work, He dissolves into His own body. Lord Jagannath assumes different avatars in various festivals celebrated in the Sriketra or Jagannath Puri Dham. During the Rath Yatra festival, He assumes the form of ten avatars of Lord Vishnu. so the Rath Yatra festival is named Das Abatra Yatra.
What is the Dakhinabhimukha Yatra?
According to all scriptures, the worshipping of Lord Vishnu should always face the east and north direction. Only the Narasimha Vigraha is worshipped facing south direction. During the Rath Yatra, Lord Jagannath is worshipped facing south on the 10th, 11th and 12th days. At that time Lord Jagannath is worshipped in the form of Lord Narasingha and the Sacrificial God (Yagnya Bhagaban). In Odia Language south direction is known as “Dakhina”. So this festival is named “Dakhinabhimukha Yatra”.
At this time, Lord Jagannath gave a vision to Vibhishana of Sri Lanka. Even while driving the Ratha Yatra Pahandi time, He faces towards south directions for a while near the Garuda pillar. This is only for giving Vibhishana an opportunity to pray to Him. Hence the Rath Yatra festival is also called Dakhinabhimukha Yatra or southward journey.
What is Anterbedi Festival?
The Ratna Singhasana on which Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra sit in the temple is called Anterbedi. During the Rath Yatra festival, Lord Jagannath leaves the temple and visits the Gundicha temple. Then after the Ratha Yatra, they come back to Ratna Singhasana again. So in reality the Rath Yatra is the Anterbedi festival.

What is Adapa Yatra?
In Odia language, the word “Adapa” means root or origin. Hence, the Adapa Mandap means the foundation. The Adapa Mandap or Gundicha Mandap is the birthplace of Lord Jagannath. Once a year, Lord Jagannath comes to Gundicha Mandap during the Rath Yatra. So this is known as Adapa Yatra.
What is Nabadinatmaka Yatra or Nine Days Yatra?
Lord Jagannath spent nine days on the Rath Yatra festival. This journey is divided into three parts, Eastern Yatra, Gundicha temple stay and Bahuda Yatra. Jagannath spends two days in Eastern Yatra and Bahuda Yatra and spends seven days in Gundicha Temple. So this journey is called Nine Days Yatra or Nabadinatmaka Yatra.
What is Hera Panchami?
The festival of Hera Pakhmi is one of the twelve Yatras of the Sri Jagannath. Hera Panchami is a sub-yatra famous Rath Yatra. Some people call this Yatra “Hira Panchami”. Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu along with his brother Balabhadra and sister Subhadra went to the Ratha Yatra festival. After 7 days of separation from Mahaprabhu, Maa Lakshmi came out in search of Lord Jagannath. so many people named the day “Hira Panchami”.
According to another opinion, Goddess Lakshmi feels too lonely without Lord Jagannath. So She went out of the temple to search Him. After founding lord Jagannath,s chariot Nandighosa near Sri Gundicha Temple, She breaks some parts of the Nandighosa chariot and returns to Sri Mandir. In Odia language “Hera or Heriba” means “visit”. So this festival is known as Hera Panchami festival.

What is Suna Besha Festival?
The Suna Besha festival is one of the various festivals of Lord Jagannath. Every year, Lord Jagannath is worshipped in Suna Besha during the eleventh day of Asadha month (odia calendar month). The Suna Besha of Lord Jagannath is held according to the odia calendar dates like Kartika Purnima, Pousha Purnima, Dola Purnima, and Asadha Shukla 11th day.
Out of these Suna Besha timings, the 11th day of Asadha month is famous as “Suna Besha” or “Badatauda Besha”. This ceremony is done with the help of respective Sevakas of Sri Jagannath Temple Bhandara Mekapa, Palia Padhiari, Talichha Mahapatra, Pradhani, Ghantara, Chatara, Kahalia, Puja Panda, Tata Daraji, Kothha Suansia, Mudiratha and Tadaukarana.
What is Adhara Pana Niti?
During the Rath Yatra festival, Sri Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra ride in the chariot and go to Sri Gundicha Temple. They return to Sri Mandira (Jagannath Temple) after 10 days. On this 10th day, the three chariots reach Singhadwara of Sri Mandir or Sri Jagannath Temple. Then a special event is performed, and the devotees are offered the specially prepared Pana before the Gods on the chariot. This event is well known as the Adharapana Niti.
According to some other opinions, the pots used in Adarpana Niti reach the lips of the Gods. In Odia language “Adhara” means “Lips”, and so is known as Adarpana.
In Adharapana, twelve pots are presented to the Gods on the chariots. Out of these twelve Adharapana pots, nine pots are offered to Sri Jagannath, Sri Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra. The remaining three pots are offered to Madan Mohan, the Chalanti Pratima (idol) in Sri Jagannath’s chariot Nandighosa. Also offered God Rama and Krishna of Sri Balabhadra’s chariot Taladwaja.
After the Niti is done, all the Aadhar Pana pots are offered to the Goddess like Charchika, Marchika, Mangala etc. The Adharapana Niti lasts up to 3 days. The remaining 2 days are offered by two different Mathas of Puri, Raghaba Das Matha and Bada Odia Matha.
You can also read the Rath Yatra from the Shree Jagannatha Website